Sektion Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Amalienstr. 54, 80799 München, Germany
aMax-Planck-Institut für Polymerforschung
Ackermann-Weg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
AbstractWe investigate the photophysics in composite systems consisting of fullerene molecules and a conjugated polymer. Photoluminescence (PL) quenching experiments are used to study the photoinduced electron transfer that occurs after photoexcitation of the conjugated polymer. In blend systems with various fullerene concentrations we find a strong concentration dependent PL-quenching. By doping a ladder type poly(p-phenylene) (LPPP) with 5 weight % of a C60-fullerene the polymer PL is quenched by more than one order of magnitude. Time-resolved measurements show that the photoinduced electron transfer can not be described by a single rate. The nonexponential PL-decay is due to a complex interplay between the diffusion of neutral excitations and their dissociation and recombination. In order to study these processes in more detail we have prepared well defined heterostructures comprising a self-assembled fullerene monolayer and a thin spin-coated polymer layer. From PL-quenching experiments on these samples we infer a value of 14 nm for the diffusion length of neutral excitations in LPPP.
Keywords: conjugated polymer, fullerene, diffusion, self-assembly, dissociation, photoluminescence, photoinduced electron transfer
Composite systems consisting of fullerenes and conjugated polymers have
shown promising properties for optoelectronic applications like e.g. photodetectors
and solar cells 1-3. In these materials charge carrier generation
is considerably enhanced as compared to single component systems due to
a photoinduced electron transfer (PET) process that can occur after
photoexcitation of the conjugated polymer. After the PET the electron is located on
the fullerene molecule whereas the hole remains on the conjugated polymer. Due
to their spatial separation the Coulomb attraction of the oppositely charged carriers
is reduced. Consequently, the generation of charge carriers is significantly
enhanced as shown in recent photocurrent experiments 4, 5. A
more direct way to study the PET in such composite systems is the investigation
of the PL properties. Since the PET strongly reduces the overlap of the electron
and hole wavefunctions the probability for radiative recombination is drastically
reduced leading to a significant quenching of the PL 6-9.
However, a detailed time-resolved PL study in order to unravel the dynamics of the
PL-quenching is still lacking. Furthermore, most of the experiments have been
limited to the investigation of simple blend systems where the fullerene and the
polymer are mixed in the same solvent and then spin cast into a thin solid film. To
understand the fundamental steps of the photoinduced electron transfer more
defined systems than the simple mixtures are desirable. One promising approach
for a controlled deposition of composite systems is the method of self-assembly
10-12. In this technique, monolayers of a certain molecule are
formed on an appropriate substrate by simply dipping the substrate into a solution
containing the compound. This technique has been successfully used for the
layer-by-layer growth of differently charged polyions. We have recently used this
technique for the preparation of monolayers of a suitably functionalized fullerene,
namely fullerene carboxylic acid
In our contribution we report on time-integrated and time-resolved
photoluminescence measurements carried out on conjugated polymer/fullerene
blend systems with gradually increasing fullerene concentrations. We show that
the PL-quenching is nonexponential in nature. For a deeper understanding of the
processes involved we performed experiments on a well defined model structure
consisting of a self-assembled fullerene monolayer and an ultrathin spin-coated
conjugated polymer layer. We found the polymer PL to be strongly quenched by
the fullerene monolayer with a pronounced dependence on the thickness of the
conjugated polymer film. The experimental data can be understood within a simple
diffusion model. From the comparison of the experimental data with the model
calculations we derive a value of approximately 14 nm for the diffusion length of
neutral excitations in LPPP.
2.1 Sample preparation
Fig. 1: Chemical structure of the compounds used for film fabrication. The fullerene monolayer is deposited from a toluene solution containing a carboxy-functionalized C60-fullerene. A ladder-type poly(p-phenylene) conjugated polymer is deposited via spin coating. X represents a methyl-group and R and R' are sidegroups that provide high solubility of the polymer. |
2.2 Time-integrated and time-resolved PL-measurements
As excitation source for the PL-experiments we have used a frequency-doubled mode-locked Ti:Sapphire laser at a wavelength of 400 nm. The laser produces pump pulses of a duration shorter than 150 fs at a repetition rate of 82 MHz. Typical averaged excitation intensities on the sample were about 15 W/cm2; a value low enough to avoid nonlinear effects. The time-integrated PL-spectra were detected by a cooled CCD-spectrometer. The time-resolved measurements were carried out by the technique of time-correlated single photon counting with a microchannel plate photomultiplier tube (MCP). The temporal response of the system is limited to 50 ps. To prevent the sample from photooxidation the measurements were performed in a vacuum chamber which was maintained at a pressure below 10-4 mbar at room temperature.
The time-integrated PL-spectra of C60/LPPP blend systems
with different fullerene concentrations are depicted in Fig. 3. The uppermost
curve shows the PL-spectrum of the undoped LPPP. The purely electronic
0-0 transition at about 460 nm is followed by the vibronic progressions
at longer wavelengths. The spectra for the C60-doped samples
indicate that the polymer PL is efficiently quenched for increasing fullerene
concentrations. No changes in the spectrum are observed as expected for
a system where all the emission bands originate from the same excited state.
At a concentration as low as 0.5 % the PL is already reduced by more than
a factor of two. This efficient PL-quenching is attributed to the electron
transfer which occurs after photoexcitation of the conjugated polymer.
Fig. 3: PL-spectra of LPPP/C60-
with different C60- concentrations.
a) |
b) |
To obtain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the PL-quenching
we have time-resolved the emission after pulsed photoexcitation. Fig. 4
delineates the luminescence transients for the different samples on both
a linear (Fig. 4a) as well as on a semilogarithmic (normalized) scale (Fig.
4b). The linear plot shows that the PL-intensity in the presence of
is significantly quenched already within the time resolution of the system
(about 50 ps). From the uppermost curve in the semilogarithmic plot (Fig.
4b) it is obvious that the PL-decay is highly nonexponential even without
any C60-content. This can be explained by a trap induced
process (most likely an electron capture into an electron accepting
This mechanism leads to a PL decay faster than expected for a purely radiative
transition into the electronic ground state which should result in an exponential
decay with a time constant of more than a nanosecond. The nonexponential
nature of this process is explained by the broad distribution of distances
between the trap states and the photoexcited segments of the conjugated
polymer. The photoexcitations have to diffuse to the trap state prior to
the nonradiative deactivation and additionally the capture process exhibits
a pronounced distance dependence. Thus a broad range of rates governs the
nonradiative PL-quenching processes even in the case of the conjugated
polymer without any C60 14, 15.
In the presence of a molecular dopant that acts as an electron acceptor
an additional PL-quenching process occurs. Besides the ultrafast PL-quenching
within the first 50 ps, this effect also causes an accelerated PL-decay
on the nanosecond time scale as apparent from the curves for the fullerene
doped polymer in the semilogarithmic plot in Fig. 4b. From these observations
we have to conclude that the electron transfer is again controlled by a
rather broad range of rates. This is not surprising since excitation dissociation
in the presence of electron acceptors has to be described in the same framework
as already discussed for the explanation of the nonexponential PL decay
in the undoped samples. Again diffusion and a distance dependent capture
process underlies the phenomenon. The neutral excitations perform a random
walk through the inhomogeneously broadened density of states. If a
is reached within the excitation lifetime an electron transfer occurs.
This process competes with the complex superposition of radiative and
processes that govern the emission dynamics of the undoped conjugated polymer.
An additional problem for a quantitative interpretation of the data arises
from the fact that a tendency for phase segregation is observed in such
blend systems for high fullerene concentrations. Thus the density of electron
acceptors and therefore also the mean distance to the next fullerene molecule
might not be well defined.
In order to investigate excitation dissociation in a more quantitative
manner it is crucial to have a better control of the spatial distances
involved. We have therefore fabricated
comprising a self-assembled fullerene monolayer below a spin-coated LPPP-film
with different thickness. The absorption spectra of few selected samples
with thicknesses between 5 nm and 65 nm are shown in Fig. 5. The spectra
are very similar for all samples. Even for the 5 nm film no significant
change in the spectrum is observed. This rules out a delocalization of
the wavefunction on this length scale since no quantization effects (which
should result in a blue shift of the optical transitions) are observed.
The thicknesses of the samples were measured with X-ray reflectivity.
Additional atomic force microscopic studies have revealed that even the
thinnest film exhibits a low surface roughness of less than 1 nm. The linear
correlation between the film thickness and the optical density is shown
in the inset of Fig. 5.
Fig. 5: Optical absorption spectra of LPPP films with various thicknesses. As an inset we show the linear dependence between the optical density at 452 nm and the film thickness. |
Fig. 6: Photoluminescence spectra of a LPPP-film 35 nm thick with and without an adjacent self-assembled fullerene monolayer. |
For the investigation of the excitation dissociation at the conjugated
polymer/fullerene interface we have systematically studied the photoluminescence
of the full set of samples. Fig. 6 compares the emission spectra of a LPPP-layer
35 nm thick with and without an adjacent fullerene monolayer. A strong
reduction of the polymer PL due to the presence of the single fullerene
monolayer is observed over the entire wavelength range. As discussed above
for the blend systems, the PL-quenching is not only due to a direct photoinduced
electron transfer. Excitations which are created far away from the interface
have to diffuse prior to the dissociation process. The relative PL-quenching
values are depicted in Fig. 7 for the different polymer films. For the
5 nm thin LPPP-film the PL is almost totally quenched, whereas the PL of
the thickest film investigated here (approx. 65 nm) is only reduced by
15 %.
The experimentally found thickness dependence of the PL shown in Fig.
7 can be discussed in a simple model that accounts for the generation,
recombination, diffusion and dissociation of the photoexcitations in the
LPPP-layer. For the quantitative analysis we use the following continuity
equation for the temporally and spatially dependent density of photoexcitations
. | (1) |
In Eq. (1) z is the distance from the fullerene/conjugated polymer
interface and g(z,t) describes the generation process with
the femtosecond laser pulse. Here the attenuation of the laser pulse during
the penetration of the LPPP-layer has to be taken into account. The second
term on the right hand side of Eq. (1) gives an approximate description
of the superposition of radiative and nonradiative process that lead to
a PL-decay in the C60-free case. We have used a value
t0=110 ps for the 1/e PL-decay time. The two last
terms in
Eq. (1) model the dissociation and the diffusion of photoexcitations, respectively. The
dissociation process is described with a slightly modified hopping ansatz with an
dependence of the rate for electron transfer between two localized states:
. | (2) |
Since any electron in a LPPP-LUMO close to the interface can hop to a large
number of
accepting sites, the simple exponential dependence has to be multiplied by the
prefactor shown in Eq. (2) which results from the integration of the transfer rates from
conjugated segment of the LPPP to all fullerene molecules at the interface. In Eq. (2)
denotes the delocalization length and f0 is a constant.
If a reasonable delocalization length a of less than 2 nm is assumed the
dependence of the PL-quenching shown in Fig. 7 can only be understood if diffusion
excitations to the interface is taken into account. The solid line in Fig. 7 shows the
agreement which is found when a diffusion constant of D=1.9× 10-2cm2/s is
Since this constant is related to the diffusion length via
, | (3) |
Fig.7: The relative PL-quenching of LPPP films with various thicknesses. The filled squares and circles are the experimental quenching values at different emission wavelengths. The solid line represents the calculation based on Eq. (1) and the parameters as described in the text. |
The photoluminescence measurements performed on
blend systems have shown that the presence of C60 quenches
the emission in the conjugated polymer LPPP. Time resolved PL experiments
have revealed the complex decay dynamics that is determined by the superposition
of excitation dissociation and diffusion. In order to obtain more quantitative
results, well defined LPPP/C60 heterostructures consisting of
a self-assembled fullerene monolayer and a spin coated LPPP film with thickness
in the range of 5 nm - 65 nm were prepared. The PL-quenching at the
interface in these samples can be understood in a simple model considering
recombination, dissociation and diffusion of the excitations. Good agreement
between experimental and calculated data was found under the assumption
that the diffusion length of the photoexcitation is approximately 14 nm.
We acknowledge R. Huber and W. Stadler for technical assistance and M. Koch for useful discussions. We thank T. Salditt and M. Vogel for X-ray measurements. We are grateful to the BMBF for financial support.
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